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  • 100% Iberian acorn-fed ham tartar
    100% Iberian acorn-fed ham tartar
    2054 Views Liked

    Iberian Acorn-fed Ham Tartar with cured egg yolk An easy, different and surprising recipe that will leave your guests speechless. Prepared by none other than Xanty Elías (1 Michelin Star), the chef of the Acánthum restaurant in Huelva. Learn how to enjoy authentic Bellota ham in a different way, which will undoubtedly surprise you with its texture and flavour.

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  • Croquettes of Iberian ham by Dani García
    Croquettes of Iberian ham by Dani García
    1010 Views Liked

    Croquettes of Iberian ham by Dani García A recipe for Iberian ham croquettes with lovingly cooked flour and boiled egg. Prepared by none other than Dani García (3 Michelin stars), the chef of the Dani García Group.  Ham croquettes with 3 Michelin stars within everyone's reach.

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  • The benefits of acorn-fed ham for our health
    The benefits of acorn-fed ham for our health

    Ham is a healthy food and provides multiple benefits to the organism. It is a source of easily assimilated proteins, which helps to prevent osteoporosis, to overcome stress and depression, improves the capacity for attention, comprehension and retention, helps to prevent cell ageing and contains polyphenols which act as antioxidants and anti-inflammatories at a vascular level, also helping to prevent cholesterol and cardiovascular diseases. A moderate consumption of ham can be very...

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